Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ghosts of The Great War in the Old Pueblo

Ghost from the past born more than one hundred years ago walked the streets of Tucson. Where did they come from? What did they do? How did they feel? Why should we care? They lived their lives and now they are gone.
Where do ghost stories begin? Are they confined to dark and stormy nights? They can begin on July afternoons in the Sonoran Desert, and yes, because of a storm.
This is a true story of how I met the Ghosts of World War I in Tucson Arizona. You may think that Tucson had nothing to do with the international conflicts of 1914 - 1918, but you are wrong. The connection is strong between the Old Pueblo and the Great War.
The Great War veterans have a story to tell. They only needed someone who, to avoid a driving in a monsoon storm, would park in their cemetery, turn eyes to their headstone, and wonder "why?"

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